My Inspiration

fall morning 2
‘Beautiful Fall Morning’ – Rural Estates, Naples, FL   // PS – This Photo is unedited and taken by yours truly in my backyard. – J. A. Anderson

There is nothing like a beautiful fall morning no matter where you live.  Fall has to be one of my favorite times of the year.  It starts with Halloween, which by the way has to be the best holiday of the year, and not just because of the candy!  Well okay, the candy, especially chocolate, is a huge plus, but truthfully I love being able to dress up and become anyone or or anything I want to be, even if it is only for one evening.

I always get questions about what inspires me and how I come up with the ideas for my books.  Well, the above picture says it all.  I wake up this morning to take care of my horse, Joe, and my donkey, Donk (okay not original but it fits), and this is the sight that greats me.  The urge to sit down and write about this beautiful place, how it smells, how it feels, is quite frankly, overwhelming.  Need I say more?

For those of you who have inquired, rest assured I am diligently working on the sequel to “Rogue Waves”.  No title yet, but I promise to keep you up to date on my continued progress.  Colt, T.J., Hunter and Jake are eager to tell their continued stories along with some new friends and even their enemies.

If you haven’t gotten a chance to read “Rogue Waves” yet, you can grab a copy on (paperback or ebook) OR if you would like to pick up a copy of my book in person, I invite you to come visit me at the Local Author Book Fair on Saturday, November 10th at the South Regional Library in Naples.  The Fair is sponsored by the Collier County Public Library and Friends of the Library of Collier County.  There will be over three dozen local authors participating.  It should be loads of fun!

If you have already read “Rogue Waves” thank you!  I would love to hear from you and find out who your favorite character is and what part of the book you enjoyed the most!  I encourage you to leave me a comment on facebook, my website or even on  The more the merrier!

Happy reading and remember. . . Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy The Read!

~ J. A. Anderson

Get To Know the Real J.A. Anderson

Recently, Aimee Ann, author of the “Red Headed Book Lover Blog”, ( contacted me about being featured in one of her “Author Spotlights” that she posts every so often on her blog.

I am truly honored that Aimee Ann chose me (an up and coming new author, just out of the gate so to speak) to appear in one of her posts.  I have to admit, the thought and anticipation of being interviewed and knowing I would need to come up with both intellectual and intelligent answers very quickly, made me slightly nervous.  However, Aimee Ann made the interview process comfortable, easy and fun!  The questions she asked were thoughtful and poignant.  Needless to say, I am very proud, excited and happy to share Aimee Ann’s article with all of my readers!

You can find my Author Spotlight on her blog, Red Headed Book Lover Blog, by clicking on the following link:   I hope Aimee Ann’s “Spotlight” will help you to get to know me a little better, and if you like what you read, please leave me or Aimee Ann a comment/suggestion or thought at the end of the article.  As always, I love to hear from my readers, so don’t be shy!

As a side note, I would like to mention that Aimee Ann is one of the most kind hearted, caring and truly genuine people that I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.  If you get a chance, do your self a huge favor and visit her blog often as she reviews a plethora of books in all types of genres.  Who knows, you just might find that new author you’ve been searching for or find that new book by an old favorite to read!

Remember, Sit Back, Relax and Enjoy the Read!  ~ J.A. Anderson